
Finding joy in linguistics and the resumption of normalcy

Things here are finally hitting their stride. I had my other two classes today -- Simulation As A Tool For The Study Of Language, and Computational Psycholinguistics -- and sat in on a third one (Ash & Ida's Constraint-Based Generative Syntax...I plan to take on the role of Minimalist devil's advocate, if the opportunity presents itself).

I'm definitely stoked about all of my classes. Each and every one of them has something exciting to offer, and moreover, it's looking like my background hope of coming out with a better idea of what I want to do for my thesis might come to fruition as well. Andy Wedel (the Simulation lecturer) has already expressed an interest in collaborating.

Of course, all of this excitement comes at a price. The amount of reading to do is pretty outrageous...I have probably close to 200 pages to read by next week, so I think this weekend is going to be pretty chill. There's supposed to be a social event of some sort on Saturday night, but I'm getting the feeling it's going to be low-key, since everyone else here is also talking about how much reading they have.

Other than academics, I'm trying hard to keep up with the athletic side of my time here. Alan and I played tennis for the second time this morning. We had to rush a bit to make it to Simulation (8:00am), so we've decided to try to get onto the court by 6:00am when we play (which we're hoping will be about three times/week)...who the hell am I, eh??

That's all for now. Life rolls on the way it should, and I need to do some laundry and start reading.


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